Restoring a database

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I’m trying to restore a database for a phpbb forum. I cant do it through phpMyAdmin because it is too large and times out. I’ve found a tool called bigdump.php and that seems to work but for one problem. If it encounters a fada on a letter in the database it stops, Then I have to edit the word in the database manually and try again.

Anyone know of another tool like bigdump.php that can do this for me or is it something I’ll just have to work around.


New Member
I have used bigdump and I think i encountered the same problem as yourself. What charsets are you using? Make sure you're using the one that relates to the charset of your db in its original state when exporting.


New Member
assuming it's MySQL that you're talking about, all you need to do is use the console-based "mysqldump" application to grab the dump, and "mysql" to install the dump.

mysqldump -uusername -ppassword dbname -hhostname > dump.sql
mysql -uusername -ppassword dbname -hhostname < dump.sql

if you find there are timeout issues, then upload the file to the server, and either run the "mysql" line above yourself, or ask your ISP to run it, if you don't have ssh access.


Thanks for the help guys,
I was able to import it by changing the charset like rollo said. That bigdump.php turns out to be very handy for people like me who are not familiar with ssh

Thanks again Rollo
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