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New Member
join in some blog 'communities' like or Add more friends as possible, you will many traffic from them.


New Member
Property Blog

We just started our blog. Your messages above are very helpful. Im not very IT minded and so it is all rather daunting.


New Member
1) Post 5-6 new high quality contents to your blog everyday.
2) Add Social Bookmarking buttons on your blog.
3) Write articles and submit it to article submission websites.
4) Add your blog to blog directories.
5) Add FeedBurner to your blog.


New Member
My 2c on the whole promote/dont promote and how to promote blogs

Well Google state clearly that Descriptions don't help you rank but they can help you convert searches to visits - presumably they can also stop converting if your description makes it clear that your blog isn't related to what the user is look for. All in all it makes for better "Search Quality".

The argument that you shouldn't promote your blog is just the daftest idea I've ever heard of. Why bother setting one up then if you dont want people to read it? Why blog just for your friends?

Setting up a blog for the sake of it is a pretty vaccuous idea, yes! Dont go setting up a blog unless you've really thought about it, made sure nobody else is saying something smarter or better - is there a need for your blog?

Sure -the more interesting the blog, the more of a viral effect it will have with people passing it on to each other but to reach a wider audience and to help Google, SEO/Promotion helps.

Google is pretty good at ranking pages based on Title and content. But if other sites don't link to you, then Google isn't going to rank you. If you don't rank for the things people search under, you're not going to get any traffic.

Promoting your site isn't "sleazy" or "crafty" or "underhanded" - and it is a God-Given right either. If I want to buy a second-hand car and I search for second-hand cars and a second hand car dealer near me is in my search results - that to me is what I want a search engine to do. If I want to find a funny blog on Ireland or read bout someone who has a more interesting opinion on a greener future than Enda Killedkenny's perspective, then why shouldn't those blogs be in a google search?

So Tom Raftery has a great blog. He's a really good communicator, has some great ideas, he's an overall smart guy and he crosses over between IT, Communicating, Social Media and Green. Pretty relevant to a lot of people. His blog ranks well because other people are talking about him, he's get trackbacks, he's on twitter, he's sharing and caring, he's got comments, hes on Linked In, everything.

Blogs dont outrank websites in all cases and Google's "Jagger" update has less weight attached.

I have a basic blog promotion post here but it probably needs more info like from below.

You promote your blog in the same way as a website - but blogs can be easier:

1. Connect with other bloggers in your space.
2. Keep an up to date blogroll of people you like, admire, recommend
3. Engage with other bloggers - go to their blogs, leave comments if you agree or disagree or have an alternative argument - they like that and that lets them know your blog is there, you have a voice, an opinion worth reading.
4. Join the aggregators - Bloglines, blogCatalog, technorati, irishblogs, etc
5. Join communities like (Yahoo! service)
6. Get commenting. BK loves comments on their blogs :)
7. Have a followers section
8. Get linkedin
9. Get on twitter, join the global conversation
10. Have fun
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