Post your best twitter tools and tricks

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New Member
why all those people are eager to read these tiny messages is beyond my scope but obviously twitter is here to stay - so I have some catching up to do - please post your best tools and tricks (and dont forget to share all your secrets LOL)thanks in advance
As you only get a text message worth of letters to use, a link shortening service can make sure your post makes sense.
I like Bitly | Basic | a simple URL shortener but there are plenty of diff ones of you Google, 'Short Twitter Link'

My advice is post often (min once a day) and make the most of the links you can feed into Twitter.

BTW IMO not many people actually read the messages, its a good organic link building site


New Member
If you are using wordpress on your sites, there is a plugin called WP to Twitter. Its a really cool plugin as it tweets every time you add a post or a comment etc it. You obviously have full control of how many tweets it sends etc.
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