.IE registration - Anyone know aprox current CRO wait time on Registering a Biz Name

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Need to get a .ie purchased asap but Biz Name will only go into CRO tomorrow, anyone got any idea of how long CRO is currently taking to issue an RBN from date of application?
I know in the past some Irish domain resellers have processed applications with only a CRO receipt number, but I think those days are gone as last few years its always been 100% prerequesite that the RBN is present. A .com etc wont do, must be a .ie and a huge deadline looms. Any on the ground experience of current durations greatly appreciated.
Or maybe I could just push for a Discretionary Name application/approval? I think we might qualify. Say the clients business is apples and his current biz name is "Johns Green Apples". Then this new venture into the wider market of fruit selling would mean he should be ok with a Discretionary name application for "FruitSelling.ie" ???


Staff member
The discretionary would work as long as the connection is reasonable. Taking your example above would work, but if they were trying to register mechanics.ie it would be a bit of a stretch
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