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New Member
I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I simply cannot believe MCD are going after Its a PR disaster. I wasnt at oxegen this year but I was there last year and it was pretty bad for the 'bonfires' (dont worry michele, i dont think they can sue for that!).

I hope boards fight it simply because I want to see what precedent will be set over Irish online discussion forums.


Staff member

Read my blog post on the matter......

I'll say no more



New Member
Yeah, I read it. Is this the first time, the company suing boards is actually following through? btw, did you get the letter I wrote to acquire that domain? will it do?


Staff member
Yeah, I read it. Is this the first time, the company suing boards is actually following through?

I'm not 100% sure, but this one seems to be more serious than previous threats

btw, did you get the letter I wrote to acquire that domain? will it do?

This isn't the place ... I honestly do not want this board to be seen as some kind of extension to Blacknight, so if you have any queries please email me or PM me.


New Member
We have talked about this for a while to the point that it has got so serious that any mention of MCD even behind the scenes could be used by MCD in a case.
Boards again isnt the place for free speech, as the admins have pointed out on many occasions, although a lot of users don't like that, this case is a pure example of what can happen when someone posts any comment and a certain person/company does not like it. The owners (as Boards is a ltd. company afterall) have to take the slack when it comes to legalities.

The fact that Devore (Tom Murphy) is fighting this is because he knows "Company X" are fully in the wrong, as the comments that were posted were true.
MCD are acting like the school yard kid.
Kid does something bad
Other kids see it and tell someone else.
Kid then goes around to all other kids and tells them he will beat them up if they say anything else.

I do wonder how long it will be, Michele, before you may get a brief letter to remove posts and threads?

I'm not sure if you know (you probably do), but a site poped up called MCDwatch :: View Forum - Oxegen

I'd say they will have a hard time taking that down as the whois info has been made secret. :)


New Member
I do wonder how long it will be, Michele, before you may get a brief letter to remove posts and threads?

I have to say that it would be very difficult for any company to have posts/threads removed that make no reference other than to the fact that people are posting negatively about that company (if you can follow that).

What MCD seem to have spectacularly missed is that they are just drawing attention to their actions and publicising the alleged problems further. They really are pi$$ing upwind with this (sorry for cur$ing Michele)

It is perfectly safe to discuss the furore as long as you don't make any specific references to problems at the event itself.

No slander in stating fact!

Oh yes @ georgiecasey thanks for the link - i'm really quite flattered as its the first time I've featured on a blogroll :)


New Member
Kinda takes away peoples opinions eh?

Next time someone says my site is crap, expect a legal letter from me.:)

Anyways all forums on boards now have a notice about it.

Good luck boards.


Staff member
My blog, or rather a particular post on it...

I get a certain amount of flak from some people on a regular basis, but that's due to my perceived "picking on" them...

This forum hasn't caused any hassle yet, though we may be in "hot water" due to another one that the company owns .....

Oh the fun and games!


New Member
It's one of those things I suppose comes with the job.

Is it coming to the stage that free expression can become a legal thing.

I would take anything you say as constructive criticism, which IMO is a good thing.

I buy t-shirt.
T-shirt looks crap, but I think its great.
Friend says it looks crap as it is.
I don't start getting abusive, I would take it as an opinion that can change things.

Maybe some companys can learn from criticism, some have.


Staff member
Maybe some companys can learn from criticism, some have.
As I said on my blog post ...

I *do* keep a very close eye on what people are saying about us (Blacknight) on blogs and forums.
I don't expect it always to be positive. If the criticism is valid ie. we screwed up or did something in a way / manner that the person did not appreciate, then I would see that as an opportunity to learn and improve.

Of course if it's one of those "why are you more expensive than X" posts I'll simply ignore it :)


Give a very detailed explanation ....



New Member
Just billing the hours

Sometimes I think corporations have solicitors on retainers and they have to use a set number of hours every quarter so they look for opportunities to fire cease and desist salvoes.

I cannot see how suing an online community that points hundreds of paying customers your way is a smart move. That's what I think is happening as MCD goes after but I know it also could be a personal issue as well.
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