Porn Spam on my PHPBB forum

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New Member
I'm getting an annoying amount of porn spam on my phpbb forum. Its only brand new, barely 20 members, but every day or two I get photos and links of hot sex on site. Very annoying. I always block their IP but they get around this easy enough.

Can anyone suggest how I can stop this?


Staff member
It depends on how you have it setup

We've had a few threads on here already about blocking spam on forums, though most centred around vbulletin...


if you upgrade to the new version (not sure how stable it is or is actually available) then you could try this


New Member
I had the same problem as you, it makes a site look unprofessional and any of the built in spam controls don't encourage user posting when implemented .
Anyway there is a module to address the problem: phpBB • View topic - [26/01/07] Anti-Spam: Only Active Members Can Post URLs
basically it stops new users posting a link until they have posted x number of posts or been a member for x number of days. It's not too difficult to install (the most difficult part is you need to add new database fields) and it stopped spam in it's tracks on my forum.

Regarding phpBB 3 - I'd give it a bit of time before I upgrade to it, I have been testing it on a local machine, it looks nice however most of the existing mods won't work on it and it doesn't address phpbb's insistence on using session ids so I see very little point upgrading as you cant upgrade a 2.x phpbb database to 3 yet.


New Member
Cheers Lads, the "Textual Confirmation" one seems to have done the job. very simple little mod that asks you a questions like "Are you Human" which you need to answer "yes" to. Have not had any porn spam since, and you get notifications of attempted and failed registrations by bots!
Good Stuff!
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