Budget Impact?

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Staff member
So what does everyone think of the budget?

What impact will it have on you?


New Member
It'll be interesting to see what will stick.

Maybe I'm imagining it but I think Fianna Fail always throw in stupid things that have to be taken out again - they did it with the pensioners christmas payment and they did it with the couples tax thing years ago. It's like they throw in something guaranteed to create uproar - which effectively drowns out the other the noise and then pull it in. Its clever if annoying


New Member
I'm not sure if it will impact me so much as a sole trader, or did I miss something? But as a mum, it sure will be a different story.


New Member
VAT went down by .5% so unless your selling less than €37,500 you'll have to change the VAT on your invoices and claims going forward?


New Member
Indeed I do sell less than €37,500, so change in VAT won't affect me, but it will surely affect most of self-employed out there.
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